
Debate Over Abortion


* Every woman in Alissa Rubin’s “Denial a Powerful Factor in 2nd-Trimester Abortion” (April 25) needs Norplant. If anything, these women are pathologically selfish. I am staunchly pro-choice but am still sickened by women who repeatedly use abortion as birth control. Society endlessly debates fetal “rights” but never seems to examine “spawning rights.” I am tired of these hypocritical, conscienceless women who are “reluctant to give up a second child for adoption” yet are able to peer at their freshly dismembered fetus and cry, “It stinks.”

These women’s “right” to continue sparking human life with the forethought of stray cats should be curtailed immediately by Norplant until they demonstrate the ability to care for themselves first. They appear unable to grasp the civilized notion of motherhood and repeatedly fail to accept their culpability in the deadly ramifications of casual sex.


Marina del Rey


This is the year 2000. Condoms and birth control pills have been available free of charge for decades. Abortion is not birth control. I’m not pro-life nor am I a fundamental Christian, but I don’t see how someone can deny that a second-trimester fetus isn’t a human being.


Spontaneity, passion, loneliness and/or denial are not excuses for not taking responsibility for one’s actions and making someone pay with their life. There are plenty of people wanting to adopt.


