
Uranium Waste


* According to “Uranium Waste Cleanup Gets No U.S. Funds” (April 24), the Bush administration has allowed no money for the cleanup of the uranium waste outside of Moab, Utah, which has been leaking into the Colorado River and therefore into the water supply of several Western states.

Some people have been critical of this omission, but they have failed to see that this is part of the Bush administration’s brilliant solution to the energy crisis. When people have drunk enough of this Colorado River water, their radioactive glow will diminish considerably the need for nighttime lighting. And money is saved on the cleanup.


La Mesa


Why worry about the Colorado River cleanup? It’s only our Los Angeles water supply. After all, we can go out and spend a few dollars for a plastic jug of the stuff at any market. We need all the funds left just to build more nukes and continue the nuclear arms race. A race, by the way, to where? With whom?


And uranium is no doubt needed to fuel the “safe” and “too cheap to meter” nuclear power plants--those that haven’t been shut down already due to cost overruns and public danger.


Los Angeles
