
Murals Violate Local Residents’ Rights


Re “ACLU Joins Fray Over Huge Murals,” Oct. 24: I am distressed that the ACLU does not consider the civil liberties of the residents of Westwood. The law in this area forbids billboards the size of the one displayed on the 12-story medical building on Wilshire Boulevard. We in this area do not want these kinds of billboards. The law, thankfully, reflects our desires. The murals, designed by artist Mike McNeilly, in the past have been enormous advertisements for movies. The owner of the building collects thousands of dollars each month those billboards are displayed. Once the city started to enforce the current law, these signs were changed to “display our shared love for this country.”

Give me a break. That’s just a cheap trick to quickly camouflage a tawdry commercial sign into a patriotic sign, and it worked. At least it worked well enough to entice the ACLU to step in and come to the aid of the artist and, by the way, the building owner, who stands to collect thousands each time a movie ad is displayed.

The law is clear. No such billboards. Let’s obey the law and protect the civil liberties of the residents. How about it, ACLU? Do the residents’ wishes count, or does the mighty dollar count more?


Ivan Finkle

