
Los Angeles Times Bestsellers


*--* Southern California Rating FICTION Last Week Weeks on List


*--* 1 THE NANNY DIARIES by Emma McLaughlin and Nicola Kraus 1 11 (St. Martin’s: $24.95) The travails of an overworked and underappreciated Park Avenue caregiver 2 ATONEMENT by Ian McEwan (Nan A. Talese/Doubleday: $26) A 2 10 haunting novel of guilt and redemption that follows several lives through the chaos of England in World War II 3 THE SHELTERS OF STONE by Jean M. Auel (Crown: $28.95) 4 3 Cavewoman Ayla has to negotiate warring tribes and win over her beloved’s family in the latest “Earth’s Children” installment 4 DADDY’S LITTLE GIRL by Mary Higgins Clark (Simon and 6 4 Schuster: $26) A journalist struggles to keep her sister’s killer in prison despite his wealthy and influential family 5 THE WAILING WIND by Tony Hillerman (HarperCollins: -- 1 $25.95) A body found in a parked car helps Navajo police officers Joe Leaphorn and Jim Chee solve an old case 6 CITY OF BONES by Michael Connelly (Little, Brown: $25.95) 3 4 Detective Harry Bosch is after the truth behind the 20-year-old murder of a child whose bones are discovered in Laurel Canyon 7 SEA GLASS by Anita Shreve (Little, Brown: $25.95) 5 4 Newlyweds move to a New Hampshire beach in the 1920s, before the Great Depression changes their lives 8 ATTACK OF THE CLONES by R.A. Salvatore (Del Rey: $26) In 7 3 “Star Wars: Episode II,” Anakin Skywalker challenges his Jedi master and falls in love with a beautiful diplomat 9 EVERYTHING IS ILLUMINATED by Jonathan Safran Foer 11 4 (Houghton Mifflin: $24) A comic novel about a man’s search for his family’s past in Ukraine and the history of a forgotten shtetl 10 THE SUMMONS by John Grisham (Doubleday: $27.95) A man 12 14 discovers $3 million in his dead father’s house and hides it from his prodigal brother and a mysterious extortioner 11 A THOUSAND COUNTRY ROADS by Robert James Waller (John M. 9 2 Hardy: $19.95) In this epilogue to “The Bridges of Madison County,” we learn what happened to the two lovers after their affair 12 LONG LOST by David Morrell (Warner: $25.95) Architect -- 1 Brad Demming has serious doubts about a man claiming to be the brother who disappeared when they were children 13 ALL THE TROUBLE YOU NEED by Jervey Tervalon (Pocket -- 1 Books: $24) University lecturer Jordan Davis is trying to figure out how a black man fits into a white world 14 UNLESS by Carol Shields (Fourth Estate: $24.95) After her -- 1 daughter drops out of college to sit on a street corner, a woman questions her long-held beliefs 15 GONE FOR GOOD by Harlan Coben (Delacorte Press: $23.95) A -- 1 New Jersey man finds out that the prime suspect in his ex-girlfriend’s strangling, his brother, isn’t dead after all


*--* Southern California Rating NONFICTION Last Week Weeks on List


*--* 1 STUPID WHITE MEN ... AND OTHER SORRY EXCUSES FOR THE 1 12 STATE OF THE NATION by Michael Moore (ReganBooks: $24.95) Lampooning the Bush administration and more 2 THE RIGHT WORDS AT THE RIGHT TIME by Marlo Thomas -- 2 (Pocket Books: $25) The actress and author is joined by a host of luminaries sharing words of wisdom they’ve found useful 3 AMERICAN SON by Richard Blow (Henry Holt: $25) The ups -- 1 and downs of starting a magazine and being John F. Kennedy Jr., by one of his colleagues at George 4 MASTER OF THE SENATE by Robert A. Caro (Alfred A. Knopf: 3 3 $35) How LBJ awakened a moribund Senate through civil rights reform and set his sights on the White House 5 THE HEALTHY KITCHEN by Andrew Weill and Rosie Daley 2 2 (Alfred A. Knopf: $24.95) Navigating around fatty, unhealthy foods to follow an ideal, appetizing diet plan in your own home 6 LUCKY MAN by Michael J. Fox (Hyperion: $22.95) A 4 6 heartfelt, candid memoir by the celebrity, describing his rise to fame and the effect of Parkinson’s disease on his life 7 SELF MATTERS by Phillip C. McGraw (Simon & Schuster: 5 17 $25) A self-improvement guru and “Oprah” regular teaches readers how to “create your life from the inside out.” 8 THE WISDOM OF MENOPAUSE by Christiane Northrup (Bantam: 6 12 $27.95) A physician describes symptoms and treatments for menopause 9 ODD GIRL OUT by Rachel Simmons (Harcourt Brace: $25) How 13 3 girls are socialized to avoid conflict and not express anger, which the author says leads to a culture of hidden aggression 10 A GUIDE FOR GROWN-UPS by Antoine de Saint-Exupery -- 1 (Harcourt: $9.95) Aphorisms from the pages of “The Little Prince” and other classics by the French author-aviator 11 MARTHA INC. by Christopher Byron (John Wiley & Sons: -- 1 $27.95) The story behind domestic diva Martha Stewart and her media and consumer products empire 12 WHAT JUST HAPPENED? by Art Linson (Bloomsbury: $24.95) A -- 1 Hollywood producer details his side of the biz, from putting a deal together to keeping the talent happy 13 WHO MOVED MY CHEESE? by Spencer Johnson (Putnam: $19.95) 12 111 The co-author of “The One-Minute Manager” uses the parable of mice in a maze to discuss managing change 14 CHARLES DICKENS by Jane Smiley (Viking: $19.95) A look -- 1 at the 19th century storyteller and celebrity from the perspective of how his contemporaries might have seen him 15 NIGGER by Randall Kennedy (Pantheon: $22) The evolution -- 6 of an explosive word and its shifting meanings in the history of American race relations

