
Judge Rep. Kucinich on His Ideas and Record


Re your July 13 article on 2004 Democratic presidential candidate Dennis J. Kucinich: Is there a person running for president more out of touch with current popular opinion than Rep. Kucinich (D-Ohio)? Kucinich has not proposed a single plan for how to deal with international terrorists other than through appeasement policies such as creating a “Department of Peace.” He supports higher payroll taxes to support socialized medicine -- thus harming both the economy and health care.

Kucinich may use populist rhetoric, but his real attempt is to gather favor with elite liberals such as college professors and Democratic activists -- not exactly a large representation of the population. Do we really want to elect a man for president who is known for bankrupting a city simply because of his staunch opposition to selling a public utility?

Michael Gordon

Los Angeles


Kucinich may not look the part, but when I heard him speak and studied his record and his positions, I was inspired by his candidacy. Cleveland can testify that he was a far-seeing hero when, as the youngest mayor in the nation, he held off the takeover of the city electrical utilities by a powerful Enron-like company. At that time, more than 15 years ago, his foresight angered all the powerful people and cost him his job. But he saved the people of Cleveland millions of dollars.


Joni De Groot

La Mesa


While visiting L.A. I read your articles about Howard Dean (July 12) and Kucinich. Dean himself admits he isn’t a liberal. The true hope for progressives is Kucinich.

Kucinich supports the working man and woman, promises to replace NAFTA with bilateral fair-trade pacts and supports single-payer universal health care. He staunchly opposed the Iraq war from the beginning. He voted against the Patriot Act, which shreds our civil liberties, whereas Dean only wants to repeal parts of it. Some say they like Kucinich’s ideas but don’t believe he’ll be elected because he’s too far from the mainstream. But I say, if you’re fed up with politics as usual, then you’ve got to vote for someone unusual in politics. Kucinich is fair, honorable and cares about the people and this country.

Peggy Bechko

Santa Fe, N.M.
