
The Roberts selection, from different angles


The July 21 article, “Democrats Forgo Discord on Court Pick, at Least for Now,” is welcomed, but more is needed. As a Republican, inordinately proud of my party’s calm, if not shrewd, selection of the Supreme Court nominee, I have a bit of advice for my friends -- most of whom are Democrats.

Take a look at all that is being written; study Judge John G. Roberts Jr. all that you want; and then, if you think it appropriate, urge all of your government representatives to unequivocally and unabashedly proclaim: “The president made a wonderful choice in nominating John Roberts and he should immediately be confirmed to the Supreme Court.” Why? Because only by so doing will the Democratic Party -- much needed as a viable counterbalance in the American political system -- regain a modicum, but highly important mantle, of credibility.

Only in siding with the right (as in “correct”) when it is obvious will the Democrats be able to criticize the political right when it is necessary.


Lawrence R. Gordon

Santa Monica


Re “Wife of Nominee Holds Strong Antiabortion Views,” July 21

I am offended when I see headlines that refer to “antiabortion” as though that were the real issue. The real issue is choice -- do women have the legal choice to control their bodies?

No one is really pro-abortion -- it is a sad choice -- but it is one that women should be able to make on their own without government intervention. When newspaper headlines couch the issue in “anti” and “pro” abortion terms, it only clouds the issue.

Before Roe vs. Wade made choice legal, abortion existed illegally and many women died. If the Supreme Court rescinds the commitment made to American women, its decision will not end abortion, it will end choice and force women into the hated back alleys of pre-1973.

Joan M. Arias

Hermosa Beach
