
Pig in theft case tries to steal away

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Dec. 12, 1888: Rancher A.C. Dominguez accused fellow rancher P. Sepulveda of kidnapping a “nasty, malodorous little black pig, with four white legs and a white snout,” The Times reported, noting that both sides “showed up a fine assortment of the best brand of A1 perjury.”

The prosecution introduced half a dozen witnesses on Dominguez’s behalf and the defense produced its own witnesses who claimed the animal belonged to the son-in-law of the defendant.

The judge ordered that all witnesses and counsel for both sides take a good look at the porker. But when let out of its cage, the pig dashed between the legs of the “dignified prosecuting attorney, nearly upsetting that gentleman.”


With court personnel and spectators chasing the pig with cries of “Stop him! Stop him!” the pig ran out the door and down the stairs but was caught by a constable, who “threw him upstairs.” The court adjourned until the next day, when the judge dismissed the case.
