



1. The Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett ($24.95)

*--* Fiction weeks on list 1. T Is for Trespass by Sue Grafton (Putnam: $26.95) Kinsey 1 Millhone suspects elder abuse and becomes ensnared in a case of identity theft. 2. The Darkest Evening of the Year by Dean Koontz (Bantam: 2 $27) A woman who runs a golden retriever rescue group is hiding a dark secret. 3. Rumpole Misbehaves by John Mortimer (Viking: $23.95) The 1 crafty solicitor defends a boy and himself against new laws banning anti-social activity. 4. A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini (Riverhead: 30 $25.95) Two Afghan women struggle to survive jihad, civil war and Taliban tyranny. 5. World Without End by Ken Follett (Dutton: $35) Four 9 children who witness a murder jockey for power and position as adults in 14th century England. 6. Gentlemen of the Road by Michael Chabon (Del Rey: 6 $21.95) An unlikely pair of travelers ply their skills along the Silk Road in the 10th century. 7. Stone Cold by David Baldacci (Grand Central: $26.99) 5 Adventurers try to outmaneuver a swindled casino owner and a mysterious killer. 8. For One More Day by Mitch Albom (Hyperion: $21.95) An 26 alcoholic encounters his mother’s ghost, who tells him of her sacrifices as a single parent. 9. Double Cross by James Patterson (Little, Brown: $27.99) 4 Alex Cross is called back to action when a flurry of murders causes terror in Washington, D.C. 10. The Yiddish Policemen’s Union by Michael Chabon 18 (HarperCollins: $26.95) Murder mystery meets alternative history in an Alaska gone Yiddish. *--*

*--* Nonfiction 1. Born Standing Up by Steve Martin (Scribner: $25) The 3 groundbreaking comedian reflects on his childhood and the evolution of his art. 2. The Daring Book for Girls by Andrea J. Buchanan and 6 Miriam Peskowitz (HarperCollins: $24.95) A girls’ handbook of skills and must-have knowledge. 3. The Dangerous Book for Boys by Conn and Hal Iggulden 30 (HarperCollins: $24.95) Learn how to tie knots, find true north and other essential skills. 4. I Am America (and so Can You!) by Stephen Colbert 10 (Grand Central: $26.99) “The Colbert Report” star expounds on the forces destroying America. 5. Boom! Voices of the Sixties by Tom Brokaw (Random 5 House: $28.95) Reflections on a decade of social change that swept America and its people. 6. Clapton by Eric Clapton (Broadway: $26) The guitarist 9 tells all -- about the blues, becoming a rock legend, his bouts with addiction and his loves. 7. Good Dog, Stay by Anna Quindlen (Random House: 3 $14.95) The bittersweet recollections of life with Beau, Quindlen’s black Labrador retriever. 8. The Shock Doctrine by Naomi Klein (Metropolitan: $28) 4 How free trade and privatization policies have wreaked economic havoc around the world. 9. You: Staying Young by Michael F. Roizen and Mehmet C. 6 Oz (Free Press: $26) Doctors explain how the body ages and how to counter those effects. 10. Rescuing Sprite by Mark R. Levin (Pocket Books: $22) 1 The lawyer tells the heartbreaking tale of the rescue dog that changed his life. *--*


2. Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen ($13.95)

3. Atonement by Ian McEwan ($14.95)

4. The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini ($15)

5. Love in the Time of Cholera by Gabriel Garcia Marquez ($14.95)

-- Nonfiction

1. Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert ($15)

2. Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin ($15)

3. Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer ($13.95)

4. The Omnivore’s Dilemma by Michael Pollan ($16)

5. 1,000 Places to See Before You Die by Patricia Schultz ($19.95)

Rankings are based on a Times poll of Southland bookstores.
