
Deregulation still a bad idea


Regarding the story “A new bid to loosen energy laws,” Dec. 8):

As Yogi Berra was quoted as saying, “It’s deja vu all over again.” Weren’t we here before and didn’t some company from Texas, I think the name was Enron, get involved with fixing energy prices? Didn’t we argue about generation and delivery?

I now live in Oregon, where we know what we will pay for our energy, which is hydroelectric and, in the case of Tillamook, some biofuel.

Dick Diamond

Bay City, Ore.


I was disturbed to read the piece on the Public Utilities Commission’s plan to revive energy deregulation in California. Of course the big manufacturers and other big power users want to negotiate directly with suppliers. They will get a better price.


Who will be left holding the bag? Residential users and small businesses, neither of which can negotiate on volume.

Thomas Oatway

