
Who’s fighting Mideast peace?

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Re “Brothers in arms, but not to the end,” May 6

This article illustrates the complex relationship between the Israeli army, the Palestinian Authority security forces and Palestinian militants.

Even though the Palestinian Authority has reduced killings, kidnappings and robberies in Nablus, the Israeli army still comes into the city every night to arrest and execute suspected terrorists. That is breeding a new set of militants.

Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad is absolutely correct that as long as Israel regularly raids Nablus and other Palestinian cities, the Palestinian security forces will never achieve full capability. The United States recognizes that the continuing Israeli raids are holding back progress in peace negotiations.


President Bush should make this one of the issues he discusses with Israel when he visits the region next week.

Jeff Warner

La Habra Heights

Your article about two Palestinian terrorists clearly illustrates why peace has not been achieved in the Middle East.

A younger brother looks up to his older brother in planning suicide bombings and killing Israelis, but when the older one gives up arms as part of a “truce,” he is no longer a role model. The young brother continues his terror activities until he is killed by Israelis. Moreover, their mother blames the Israelis for teaching her youngest son to hate.


As long as Palestinians prefer the excitement of killing to the boredom of building bridges, and blame Israelis for their culture of hatred, we will never achieve peace in the Middle East, no matter how much land Israel gives back.

Fariba Fischel


Los Angeles
