
Stretch as you rise and shine


When I get out of bed in the morning, my muscles feel tight and my body feels stiff. It takes at least an hour for me to loosen up and really feel like my body is awake. I never stretch (although I am sure it would help), but I don’t have lots of time. Can you give me some suggestions?


Redondo Beach

Stretching in the morning is a great way to reduce that early stiffness and to improve your overall flexibility. It will take only a couple of extra minutes each day if you combine these simple stretches into your regular morning routine:

In-bed spinal twist: When you first wake up, lie face up with your arms resting on your pillow above your head. Extend your entire body (as if you were trying to make yourself longer) while gently arching your lower back. Bring one thigh close to the chest, then across the body. Rest the inside of the bent knee on the bed in this spinal twist position while taking five deep breaths. Reach wide with the arms. Return to the start position and repeat on the other side.


Edge-of-bed squat and reach: Sitting on the edge of the bed, slowly reach down toward your toes as far as comfortably possible, then return to a sitting position. Stand up while reaching overhead and gently arch the lower back. Return to the seated position and repeat the sequence five times while breathing deeply and evenly.

Toothbrush warrior: While brushing your teeth, step forward with one leg and bend the knee of the front leg. Then step straight back with the other leg and straighten the back knee. Turn the back foot out slightly to help with balance and to allow the back foot to press flat on the floor. Keep your upper body lifted (and back slightly arched), and slowly twist your upper body right and left while turning your head the same direction as the twist. Hold the leg stance while repeating the twist movement three to five times, then release to a standing position. Switch the position of the legs and repeat.

In-the-shower round, arch, tilt and turn: Stand under the shower facing away from the shower head, and place one hand on the top of each thigh. Tighten the abs, roll the shoulders forward and round the back, then lift the shoulders, tighten the back and gently arch the spine. Repeat this sequence five to 10 times. Then stand tall and tilt the head side to side by lowering the ears toward the shoulder. Then look to the right and the left, turning the head as far as is comfortably possible. Repeat sequence five to 10 times.


Blahnik is a Laguna Beach-based personal trainer and IDEA Health & Fitness Assn. spokesman.
