
Death penalty

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Re “Guilty of injustice,” Editorial, Aug. 11

Imagine if I asked if you would like to buy an outdated contraption whose sole purpose was to kill whoever it was used on, although it didn’t work all that well to begin with. Did I mention that it’s bound to bring you ethical guilt whenever you think about it, and after a few years, you probably won’t even want to use it anymore?

Oh, and the price: more than $100 million a year, no refunds. I’m guessing your answer would be a resounding no. But you’ve already got it. It’s the California death penalty system, and it’s past time for it to go.

Bruce Lisker’s case is another reminder of what can happen when we bring homicide into punishment. It’s time to accept the fact that we are not God and that we make mistakes.


With life without parole, we can still correct our errors, as shown by Lisker’s case.

With the death penalty ... well, as I said, there are no refunds.

Megan Kallstrom

San Francisco
