Diva demands
The Diva: Demi Moore
The Teeny Tiny Demand: Transportation from work to a PTA meeting
Oh, yeah the PTA meeting was in Idaho, and the studio was in Burbank so the studio wound up shelling out $4,500 to pay for the attentive mom’s private jet. (What? You thought she’d fly commercial?!?) (Ethan Miller / Getty Images)
The Diva: Demi Moore (again)
The Teeny Tiny Demand: Plane to fly her from her Idaho home to the New York City
Actually, it ended up being two planes... When the first private plane came to pick her up, Demi noticed it was a tad too small and she would have to (gasp) STACK HER LUGGAGE! Needless to say, this was untenable. She contacted her studio, Sony, and insisted on a second plane so her baggage could fly to the East Coast unstacked. (Kevork Djansezian / AP)
The Diva: Julia Roberts
The Teeny Tiny Demand: Private jets and mansions for cast and crew of “Ocean’s Twelve” while scenes were reshot
Julia insisted that the cast and crew be flown to Chicago by private jets and housed in three private mansions close by. No biggie. But the only reason the scenes needed to be reshot was that Julia wasn’t crazy about the outfits she was wearing in them and wanted them shot with her wearing clothes she liked more. (Evan Agostini / Getty Images)
The Diva: Jennifer Connelly
The Teeny Tiny Demand: Car and driver to chauffeur her to and from the set
Jennifer Connelly was merely acting in the time-honored tradition when she took advantage of a chauffeured Cadillac Escalade to take her from the trailer in which she was staying to the set of “The Hulk.” Oh, did we mention that her trailer was only two blocks away from where they were shooting...? (Junko Kimura / Getty Images)
The Diva: Keira Knightley
The Teeny Tiny Demand: Alterations and lunch
Keira was doing the usual star thing and shopping for a gown at the designer’s studio. She tried on a gown, asked for it to be altered (on the spot, natch) and then asked for lunch. After she ate and after the gown had been altered wouldn’t you know it? She decided she didn’t want the dress after all. (Kevork Djansezian / AP)