
Readers React: Republican voters’ reckless rejection of Jeb Bush

Jeb Bush takes the stage before announcing the suspension of his presidential campaign at an election night party in Columbia, S.C., on Feb. 20.

Jeb Bush takes the stage before announcing the suspension of his presidential campaign at an election night party in Columbia, S.C., on Feb. 20.

(Mark Makela / Getty Images)
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To the editor: After votes in only three states, the staunchly conservative wing of the Republican Party and its infatuation with the Donald Trump reality show (coupled with a significant assist from the media) have eliminated former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, the only reasonable chance the party had to succeed in the general election against Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton. (“Jeb Bush, an early front-runner who couldn’t keep pace with his party or outrun his family history,” Feb. 20)

The brash and crass-talking Trump has little chance of being elected in November, and Sens. Ted Cruz (Texas) and Marco Rubio (Florida) are long shots at best. The more moderate Bush was the one candidate with the ability to unite the party in a way that would give Republicans a chance at victory.

Gerrymandering and five-plus years of an intractable Republican-dominated Congress have led the party to a very dark place.


Joe Grauman, Culver City


To the editor: To think with the disastrous effects of the invasion of Iraq still plaguing America (and it will continue to plague us for years to come) that we would want to elect another Bush was always absurd. And it shows just how out of touch the Republican establishment is if it thought we would.

Finally, the American people got it right, and money didn’t help Bush. Now, if Clinton could be defeated, we would be political dynasty-free this election.


Anita Roglich, Santa Monica


To the editor: While I don’t agree with him on most issues, I feel bad (and have nothing but respect) for Bush — he deserved better in this race. He is a class act in a field that needs more class acts.

Bush’s professionalism stands in stark contrast with Trump. This is a very interesting election year.


Steven M. Clayton, Ocean, N.J.

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