
Readers React: In Washington, even Ebola and politics mix

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To the editor: Let me see if I have the latest action in Washington on Ebola straight. (“White House names Ebola czar as it steps up response,” Oct. 17)

Earlier this month a man infected with the Ebola virus came to Dallas; he eventually died in a hospital. Two of the nurses who cared for him contracted the virus, probably because of a break in the barrier protection needed to prevent transmission from one person to another. Our response to this should be coordinated by the surgeon general, but we don’t have one who has been confirmed by the Senate. President Obama’s nominee is being held up in Congress because the Republicans do not like the fact that he is too hard on guns and gun violence.

The president has now appointed an “Ebola czar,” who is a political fixer with no medical or public health training or experience whatsoever.


Isn’t there any elected official in Washington who is willing to put good public health policy first and politics second? It doesn’t seem so from here.

Richard F. Corlin, MD, Santa Monica

The writer is past president of the American Medical Assn.



To the editor: FDR warned us years ago that “the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” It’s too bad that Americans have forgotten that and become such a fearful nation — and not just about Ebola.

People use antiseptic wipes on shopping cart handles and choose to not vaccinate their kids, lowering resistance to disease in the process and increasing the chances that they and others will get sick and possibly die.

We hire lawyers and file lawsuits, always looking to assign blame to someone else rather than understanding that sometimes it’s just an accident and that bad things do happen.


Lon M. Burns, Manhattan Beach


To the editor: I am many times more likely to be killed by my husband or boyfriend than Ebola. Where’s my protection from that?

Martha Gonzalez, MD, Ventura

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