
Readers React: Dismayed, but not surprised, by GOP opposition to climate deal

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To the editor: I guess it was predictable that Republicans in Congress would jump all over this historic agreement on climate change. I allowed myself a brief daydream, imagining some other possible responses they could have come up with. (“U.S.-China climate change deal already facing challenges,” Nov. 12)

Here’s one: “Well, doubling the pace of emissions reduction in the U.S. is certainly an ambitious goal and we don’t know if it is even achievable, but let’s see what kind of a plan we can come up with.”

Another one: “Although this agreement may have some negative effects on the U.S., we need to think of the entire planet and the benefits to be gained for future generations.”


One more: “We doubt that China will really overhaul its whole economy to make this happen, but the United States can play a leadership role on climate change and should move forward anyway.”

Just as I was starting to warm up to the Republicans, I woke up from my daydream.

Joanna Ryder, Hermosa Beach


To the editor: So our lame-duck president has agreed with China to cause turmoil in our economy by reducing carbon emissions by a huge amount over 10 years or so — until he’s no longer in office. I guess I missed the article about Congress actually passing a law to that effect.


I remember when Obama said, “Elections have consequences.” What he didn’t mention is that when elections don’t go his way, he does what he wants.

Arthur Armstrong, Manhattan Beach


To the editor: In addition to the price of ignoring climate change — floods, droughts, crop loss and so forth — the higher cost is in terms of human health, life and livelihood.


Legislators who deny climate change or who dismiss the consequences of failing to act now are woefully out of touch with the scientific community and with those who are unwilling to pay the human cost of doing nothing.

Lenore Navarro Dowling, Los Angeles

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