
What we can’t fix by defeating Trump in 2020: climate change

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To the editor: The degradation that Donald Trump brings to the presidency is shocking. His mendacity, disrespect for constitutional checks and balances, disregard of governing norms and self-serving entanglements are shameful. (“Trump moves to gut Obama climate policy and bolster the coal industry,” June 19)

But civility, democratic norms and ethical leadership can be restored when voters elect the next president. What may be impossible to undo is his failure to address the looming climate crisis.

Scientists warn that unless we quickly phase out fossil fuels and transition to a clean energy economy, catastrophic weather events will be our lot. At this critical time, Trump, who is beholden to fossil fuel interests, champions climate-disrupting fuels.


Climate activist Bill McKibben summed up the problem well: “The problem with climate change is that it’s a timed test. If you don’t solve it fast, then you don’t solve it. No one’s got a plan for refreezing the Arctic once it’s melted.”

Bob Taylor, Newport Beach



To the editor: With its recent action designed to boost production of coal over other forms of cleaner, safer energy, it becomes even more clear that the Environmental Protection Agency is misnamed.

Neither EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler nor the president have any interest in protecting our deteriorating environment. Rather, the nod to place a thumb on the scales for coal is an effort to fulfill an ill-advised campaign promise.

Let us call the EPA what it really is: the Environmental Destruction Agency.

Oren Spiegler, South Strabane Township, Pa.


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