
Readers React: If LAUSD teachers strike, you can bet they’ll still be watching out for students

United Teachers Los Angeles volunteers prepare strike-authorization ballots last month.
(Nick Agro / For the Los Angeles Times)
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To the editor: In the spring of 1970, members of the newly formed United Teachers Los Angeles embarked on a five-week strike. I was in 9th grade, and while many students went to the beach, a large number of us marched on the picket lines with our teachers. (“If L.A. families were at the negotiating table, they’d tell teachers not to strike,” Opinion, Sept. 7)

Nearly half a century later, I’m a proud member of another union and an activist of almost three decades. Even amid a controversial contract ratification that might lead to a strike, I recognize that my union has given me decent working conditions, a livable wage and a pension that assures that I won’t lose my home as I approach retirement.

If there’s a teachers strike soon in the Los Angeles Unified School District, families will weather it somehow, and the union of caring teachers will find a way to help the students about whom they care so deeply. We should return the favor and give equal regard to the teachers.


Suzan Lowitz, Los Angeles


To the editor: In 1993, I received money from then-Los Angeles County Supervisor Gloria Molina’s office to pay for a bus to take my seniors to UCLA to see Carlos Avila’s “La Carpa.” This was before YouTube and smartphones proliferated and made it easier to see independent films produced by Latino and Latina artists.

I have happy memories of Molina’s government service. I also agree with her candid and forceful assessment of the impasse reached by LAUSD and UTLA.


But she leaves out one important point: Supt. Austin Beutner’s refusal even to sit down for negotiations until Sept. 27. If he cares as much about “the kids” as he claims to publicly, then he needs to put his considerable money where his mouth is and start talking seriously and stop trying to pretend that UTLA is the one refusing to negotiate in good faith.

Leigh Clark, Granada Hills

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