
Readers React: L.A. leaders need to stop talking out of both sides of their mouths on reducing traffic deaths

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To the editor: Los Angeles City Councilman Paul Koretz asked how the city can try to keep traffic flowing at rates of 35 to 40 mph and still save lives when those speeds are often fatal on impact. (“Pedestrian deaths in LA rise sharply but officials remain committed to traffic safety program,” Feb. 28)

If he is truly looking for answers, he should stop killing the Los Angeles Department of Transportation’s studies, like the one on a Westwood bike lane for students commuting to UCLA.

In 2013, he wrote in an email to residents opposed to the bike lane, “I usually like to have as much information as I can before making a decision, but since I can’t see any way that I wind up supporting the bike lane on Westwood anyway, I am going to just kill it now, rather than waiting for a study.”


Maybe the study would have shown longer commute times. Maybe not. Here’s a question for Koretz: Will you allow studies even if you don’t like what the answers might be?

And here’s a question for everyone: How many added minutes in your commute is a life worth?

Jonathan Weiss, Los Angeles



To the editor: Your article on the increase in pedestrian deaths concentrated on structural fixes to our city streets. However, it is apparent to anyone who drives or walks in Los Angeles that too many drivers fail to obey for traffic laws.

Each day, I see drivers running traffic signals, failing to stop at traffic signs and driving down streets at unreasonably high speeds. The evening news is full of reports of cars losing control and crashing into buildings or street lights and, unfortunately, pedestrians.

These problems are not fixed by structural changes to our roads. They are fixed by having our police department enforce traffic laws.


Barbara Motz, Valley Village

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