
Letters to the Editor: ‘You’re fired’ was great for ‘The Apprentice,’ terrible for national security

Trump and Bolton
President Trump shakes hands with then-national security advisor John Bolton in the White House on April 9, 2018.
(Susan Walsh / Associated Press)
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To the editor: Welcome to the latest episode of “The Apprentice.” President Trump has said “you’re fired” to national security advisor John Bolton for the unpardonable sin of rendering expert advice he didn’t want to hear.

No wonder Trump doesn’t fill so many positions -- he only wants a few unprincipled sycophants who will always agree with him.

In this case, Trump couldn’t care less if a Camp David meeting with the Taliban was a bad idea. He wanted to make a deal, any deal, because he fancies himself an ace deal maker and it might help him get re-elected.


Trump remains as unstable and dangerous as ever. His egomania is a poor fit for negotiations with foreign warlords.

P. Jane Weil, Sacramento


To the editor: The unsurprising firing of Bolton as national security advisor comes as a welcome development for those who correctly view him as an extremely hawkish force in American foreign policy. His advice, if carried out, almost always risked grave consequences.


Bolton’s modus operandi, both before and during his tenure in the Trump administration, has been undisguised and consistent in its confrontational, no-compromise approach to foreign policy. Few people will be disappointed to see Bolton exit.

Although it only enhances prospects for negotiation and compromise, Bolton’s departure underscores the disturbing pattern of Trump’s erratic leadership and his unwillingness to surround himself with advisors whose views may differ from his own.

Roger Hirschberg, Bondville, Vt.



To the editor: The adage “what you see is what you get” certainly holds true for Trump.

For a decade on NBC’s “The Apprentice,” his signature line was telling a contestant, “You’re fired.” His behavior as president has been similar to that of his television persona -- except that as president he lacks the strength to terminate the individual in person, choosing instead to hide behind his Twitter feed.

Noel Johnson, Glendale
