
Looking for a stress-free job (or close to it)? Here are 10

In a ranking of least-stressful jobs by, hair stylists ranked No. 2. Above, a stylist blow-dries a client's hair in November at a Towson, Md., salon.
In a ranking of least-stressful jobs by, hair stylists ranked No. 2. Above, a stylist blow-dries a client’s hair in November at a Towson, Md., salon.
(Barbara Haddock Taylor/McClatchy-Tribune)
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If your New Year’s resolution is to change jobs this year, consider this ranking of least-stressful jobs.

In a a new ranking for 2014, looked at 200 careers and weighed all sorts of factors that contribute to worker stress: travel (lots of travel increases stress), meeting the public (introverts, beware), and whether a job puts your life or that of others at risk (a no-brainer).

Other factors included deadlines, environmental conditions and physical demands. The careers website cautioned that there are no stress-free jobs -- every occupation has its own challenges, but nonetheless here are the top 10 least-stressful jobs:


10. Drill press operator

9. Multimedia artist

8. Librarian

7. Medical records technician

6. Dietitian

5. Seamstress or tailor

4. Tenured university professor

3. Jeweler

2. Hair stylist

1. Audiologist, which diagnoses and treats hearing problems.

So which jobs are the most stressful? The ones where risk of death are highest, apparently. Unsurprisingly, newspaper reporters have among the most stressful jobs. In a shrinking newspaper landscape with real-time deadlines, that would contribute plenty of stress to any still-working journalist.

Here’s a rundown of the most stressful:

10. Taxi driver

9. Police officer

8. Newspaper reporter

7. Senior corporate executive

6. Public relations executive

5. Event coordinator

4. Airline pilot

3. Firefighter

2. Military general

1. Enlisted military personnel
