
Dodgers to get own TV home! Pilot season in full bloom.

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After the coffee. Before my cable bill goes up again.

The Skinny: I’m trying to create a fake girlfriend, but I can’t decide between a blond or brunette. Send your thoughts. Wednesday’s headlines include coverage of the Dodgers’ pending deal with Time Warner Cable, a look at pilot season and a piece on how ESPN missed the Manti Te’o story.

Daily Dose: ABC is pulling the plug on its sitcom “Don’t Trust the B---- in Apt 23.” The twisted sitcom, about a selfish girl who has no problems tormenting her friends to get what she wants, was a critical darling but failed to attract many viewers.


What will a hot dog cost? Time Warner Cable has a tentative agreement to shell out between $7 billion and $8 billion for a long-term TV partnership with the Dodgers. Not only that, rather than put the Dodgers on the cable company’s SportsNet channel (home to the Lakers), the Dodgers will have their own channel. The Dodgers are currently on Fox’s Prime Ticket network but the price tag got too high for Rupert Murdoch’s media giant. Now that’s saying something. The agreement will mean bigger cable bills for fans and non-fans. Many people are already priced out of going to a ballgame. Will watching one on TV become too expensive next? Coverage of the Dodgers-Time Warner Cable pact from the Los Angeles Times and Wall Street Journal.

Cleared for takeoff. It’s the time of year when the TV networks start making plans for the fall season. On Tuesday, Fox, CBS, ABC and NBC ordered a bunch of pilots (now does my headline make sense?). Most will never see the light of day, which is why I try not to spend too much time keeping up with every last detail. But insiders like to know who ordered what and who’s cast in what so here’s some pilot coverage from Variety and Hollywood Reporter. Apparently there are a lot of shows called “untitled.”

Too much thinking, not enough reporting. Before snarky sports-news website Deadspin broke the Manti Te’o fake girlfriend story, ESPN was scrambling to follow up on tips it got about the bogus relationship. But according to a New York Times breakdown of ESPN’s attempts to report the story, the network brass spent too much time debating how to cover it as opposed to just being journalists. Was ESPN too cautious or too worried about alienating Notre Dame and a star player headed to the NFL? Hey, I’m just asking.


New board. Now that Liberty Media has become majority owner of Sirius Satellite Radio, it is overhauling the board of directors. It is putting two Liberty executives and one former Liberty executive on the board to take the place of three departing members. More on the changes from Reuters.

Showdown. News Corp. Chairman Rupert Murdoch has flown to London to try to resolve a debate with the independent directors of the mogul’s London Times and Sunday Times. The independent directors are not happy with the editors whom Murdoch wants to put in charge of the papers. I wonder how this will play out. Details from The Guardian.

Inside the Los Angeles Times: Kenneth Turan on the Sundance sensation “Fruitvale.”


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