
Aereo fight is about money. MTV yanks ‘Buckwild.’ Lynton re-ups.

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After the coffee. Before emptying the cat box (well, you wanted to know).

The Skinny: I stuffed myself silly at the premiere party for HBO’s “Veep” last night so I’m feeling a little bloated this morning. Yes, it’s a tough life. Wednesday’s headlines include analysis of the fight between broadcasters and Aereo, Sony Entertainment Chief Executive Michael Lynton gets a new deal and MTV cancels”Buckwild.”

Daily Dose: Aereo may be a little start-up (see below), but when it comes to lobbying in Washington, D.C., it is playing in the big leagues. The company has retained powerful lobbyist Gary Slaiman of Bingham McCutchen LLP. Slaiman heads Bingham’s Government Affairs Practice Group and has done work for Google, Viacom and General Electric.


It’s money that matters. Is the battle between broadcasters and Aereo, a start-up company that delivers over-the-air signals via the Internet, about the future vs. the past? Are broadcast networks CBS, NBC, ABC, Fox and Univision resistant to the changing ways consumers can view media? Are they trying to protect a way of doing business that will ultimately go the way of the dinosaurs soon enough? That’s one way to look at this. But in reality, like most things in life, this is about money. Analysis of the Aereo-broadcast feud from the Los Angeles Times and New York Times.

PHOTOS: Celebrities by The Times

Staying put. Michael Lynton, the chief executive of Sony Entertainment, has signed a new deal to stay with the TV and movie unit of Sony Corp. Will this squelch rumors that Sony is looking to unload its entertainment business? Some say yes. I’m a cynic so I say no, it just means that Lynton will get an even bigger parachute if Sony decides to sell. Coverage from the Los Angeles Times and Financial Times.


Time to get real? With his love of helicopters, fancy cars and big deals, Ryan Kavanaugh has quickly become a major player in Hollywood. But rumors continue to circulate his Relativity Media has overextended itself. Variety does its own reality check on Kavanaugh.

Not a happy camper. After the death of one of its stars (Shain Gandee), MTV is pulling the plug on the reality series “Buckwild.” The program, which was set to enter its second season, is something of a West Virginia version of “Jersey Shore.” J.P. Williams, who manages much of the cast and is a producer on the show, is very angry about MTV’s decision to cancel. He tells the Hollywood Reporter, “This will get ugly.”

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Going to the dogs. If you have a dog and DirecTV, you may want to sign up for DogTV, a premium channel just for pooches. For $6 a month you can plop Fido in front of the boob tube with a bone and then go on with your life. Great, now pets can be raised by television too. More on DogTV from Bloomberg.

Inside the Los Angeles Times: Film and television production in Los Angeles was on the rise during the first quarter of 2013. “Saturday Night Live” producer Lorne Michaels will have even more clout at NBC when he takes over producing “The Tonight Show” next year.

Follow me on Twitter. It’s your way of showing love for me. @JBFlint.


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