
Sky high ‘Skyfall.’ Bake-off at Warner Bros. BBC scandal spreads.

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After the coffee. Before yet another visit to the body shop.

The Skinny: Am I the only one thinking “Homeland” is becoming more like “24” with each convoluted plot twist? Monday’s headlines include a box office recap, the power struggle at Warner Bros. and the latest (at least as of this morning) on the BBC scandal.

Daily Dose: Last Friday’s episode of ABC’s “Shark Tank” featured a less than subtle plug for T-Mobile. After Mark Cuban is unsuccessful in cutting a deal with a contestant, fellow shark Daymond John whips out a T-Mobile phone and takes video of an annoyed Cuban. If just seeing the phone wasn’t tacky enough, John even gave the product a shout out on the show.


Sky high “Skyfall.” The new James Bond movie “Skyfall” took in almost $90 million in its opening weekend, easily beating even the most optimistic expectations. The bulk of the audience for “Skyfall” was over the age of 25. “Skyfall” took in another $89 million in international box office. Also opening strong in very limited release was Steven Spielberg’s “Lincoln.” Box office recap from the Los Angeles Times and Movie City News.

May the best man win. With Barry Meyer set to retire as chairman of Warner Bros. at the end of next year, the jockeying to succeed him is at full gallop among the studio’s TV chief Bruce Rosenblum, movie head Jeff Robinov and home entertainment boss Kevin Tsujihara. But the uncertainty over which of the three will succeed Meyer has created a tense situation at Warner Bros. and is creating headaches for Time Warner Chief Executive Jeff Bewkes. The Los Angles Times takes a look at the corporate bake-off.

Scandal spreads. George Entwistle resigned as director general of the BBC after less than two months in the job. His exit comes in the wake of a BBC report that wrongly suggested a conservative politician was guilty of sexual abuse. Two other top executives also have resigned. That blunder came after the BBC’s acknowledgment that it had killed a program that explored accusations of child abuse against the channel’s late TV host Jimmy Savile. The latest from the Guardian and Washington Post. Meanwhile former BBC director Mark Thompson starts his new job as chief executive of the New York Times. The Wall Street Journal on how the BBC mess has also put a cloud over Thompson.


Closing the gap. Fox News is still the king of cable news, but Comcast Corp.’s MSNBC is starting to hold its own. The channel, which went from being a CNN also-ran to a mouthpiece for the left, has seen ratings increase over the last four years. “We’re closer to Fox than we’ve ever been,” MSNBC President Phil Griffin told the New York Times. “All of this is great for 2013, 2014 to keep building.”

Making history. The History Channel, which has become better known for reality fare such as “Ice Road Truckers” than the educational content that it was founded on, will this week try to explain why we’re all here with “Mankind the Story of All of Us.” The 12-hour miniseries follows on the success of the channel’s “America the Story of Us.” A look at “Mankind” from USA Today.

Hitting the target. Viewers of Sunday night’s episode of “Revenge” could not escape Target or Nieman Marcus, which not only were the show’s sole sponsors but also created their own drama with cast in the form of commercials disguised as stories. Advertising Age goes behind the scenes of the deal, which had a lot of people on Twitter annoyed.


Inside the Los Angeles Times: A look at all those people standing in line days in advance of the debut of the new “Twilight” movie. Mary McNamara on Showtime’s “Oliver Stone’s Untold History of the United States.”

Follow me on Twitter. You’re only cheating yourself if you don’t. @JBFlint.
