
Olivia Wilde makes breastfeeding look easy -- and oh so gorgeous

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Olivia Wilde is showing the world what it looks like when a beautiful movie star breast-feeds.

Actually, she’s more showing the world what it looks like when an already beautiful movie star gets dressed up in designer clothes and is otherwise professionally styled for a major magazine’s photo shoot -- and then breast-feeds.

And she knows it.

“I mean, I certainly don’t really look like that when I’m [typically] breast-feeding,” the new mom tells Glamour in its September issue. “And there’s usually a diaper involved.”

Hear that sound in the distance? That’s bajillions of regular nursing mothers -- who don’t have access to Roberto Cavalli dresses, Yossi Harari earrings, Prada scarves and shoes and Lanvin rings -- breathing a sigh of relief.


Mrs. Jason Sudeikis’ down-to-earth attitude was also evident when she tweeted the photo on Tuesday morning.

“Otis ordered milkshakes. Luckily I had some on me,” she said. “Then he peed on my dress. Good kid. #boobfood #whennaturecalls”

Wilde and Sudeikis, who got engaged in January 2013, welcomed baby Otis this past April. She told Glamour they have no specific wedding plans yet and that she sees their child together as more of a commitment anyway.


“Being shot with Otis is so perfect because any portrait of me right now isn’t complete without my identity as a mother being a part of that,” the “House, M.D.” veteran told the magazine. “Breast-feeding is the most natural thing. I don’t know, now it feels like Otis should always be on my breast.”

In the photo shoot, the 30-year-old said, “It felt like we were capturing that multifaceted woman we’ve been discussing -- that we know we can be. You can be someone who is at once maternal and professional and sexy and self-possessed.”

Did we just hear a bajillion working moms gasping for air?

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