
Sofia Vergara gets star in Hollywood, discusses Nick Loeb embryo fight

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Sofia Vergara is having an amazing month, she said on “Good Morning America” on Thursday -- the same day she was honored with a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

“In the life of an actress, you have very big ups and downs,” the 42-year-old said on the show, noting that she was very grateful for what she’d achieved.

“Life is short and I’m getting old. I have to enjoy this.”

A large part of the “GMA” chat, however, focused on her newly publicized battle with ex-fiance Nick Loeb over custody of two embryos they created together in 2013 before separating. She said she wanted it to be the last time she spoke publicly on the matter.


“I’ve been working very hard for 20 years to get to this point where I am. I promote all my movies, all my work, but I don’t like promoting my private life, and I don’t understand why this person -- I don’t want to allow this person to take more advantage of my career and try to promote himself, get press for this,” she explained. “This shouldn’t be out there for people to give their opinion when there’s nothing to talk about. There’s papers signed.”

So now he’s “this person”? Dang.

Vergara said she wasn’t angry at anyone except the media, which she believes have covered Loeb -- he had an op-ed about the embryos in the New York Times last week -- without good reason.

“He’s not an actor, he’s not a celebrity. It’s like, why?”

Loeb, meanwhile, was on “Today” discussing the embryos Thursday as well.


“We filed this back in October.,” he explained in denying that he’d timed anything to coincide with Vergara’s promotional efforts for “Hot Pursuit,” which opens Friday.

“This has to do with bigger, really, moral, legal, ethical concepts that are out there about lives we’ve already created, nothing to do with anything else.”

Loeb emphasized repeatedly that lives had been created and refused to talk about allegations in the suit saying she’d bullied and abused him during their time together.


In less confrontational news, Thursday afternoon in Hollywood, Vergara was lauded by people including her son Manolo Gonzalez-Ripoll Vergara, “Modern Family” creator and executive producer Steve Levitan and Eric Stonestreet, her sitcom costar. And while all said great things about her -- “She’s Lucy and Ricky with a touch of Sophia Loren,” Levitan said -- it was Stonestreet who had the best time poking fun at Vergara’s image.

He wasn’t going to talk about the things people always talk about, he said very seriously, pointing to her intellect, her generosity, her ability to give good advice.

“I’m not gonna be up here wasting your time and say what the tabloids say every week,” he noted -- that she’s naturally funny, a good mom, self-deprecating and a delight to be with on set.

“Those are the things I’m not going to talk about because, can we all agree, we’re tired of hearing about them?,” he said. “So what I’m going to talk about is this, because I feel like I’m the only person who’s ever noticed this. Sofia Vergara is HOT.

“I mean, seriously, am I the only person with eyeballs in my head? How is nobody else in the world mentioning this? Call me crazy but I find Sofia to be very attractive,” Stonestreet continued, while Vergara showed off what he was referring to. “She has a nice bottom. She has beautiful breasts. Wondrous curves. Overall, I think she looks very nice. This is what people need to be talking about!”

Then he got serious again and heaped more praise on his friend, a woman he says “smells good too.”


For her part, Vergara thanked her showbiz family as well as her real family. She even thanked her “Modern Family” character Gloria Pritchett, because “if they had not invented Gloria Pritchett, I would not be here.”

She elaborated: “I owe everything I have been able to do in the American market to this amazing character, and I’m always going to remember this in my life.”

“At the end of the day,” she said, “you can have money, fame, everything ... [but] what do you do with a star in Hollywood if you cannot go and brag with them that you got it?”

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