
Weird Al Yankovic fears conspiracies in his new Lorde parody, ‘Foil’

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Weird Al Yankovic is not only winning the Internet this week, he’s doing so in Germany-vs-Brazil like fashion. As part of the rollout to his new masterpiece “Mandatory Fun,” the king of music parodies has been unveiling a video per day, and so far he hasn’t missed.

Wednesday morning’s premiere is one of the new record’s highlights: A take on New Zealand singer Lorde’s ubiquitous hit, “Royals.” In Weird Al’s hands, though, the song becomes an ode to ... aluminum foil.

“I never seem to finish all my food/ I always get a doggy bag from the waiter,” he sings to open, carrying a brown bag out of a restaurant before landing on the set of a food show called “Now We’re Cookin’!” “So I just keep what’s still unchewed/ And I take it home, save it for later.”


The solution, sung to the tune of the chorus: “Aluminum foil/ Never settle for less/ That kind of wrap is just the best.”

The clip stars actor/comedian Patton Oswalt as a director, one charged with overseeing said cooking show. All goes well until the set goes dark, Weird Al turns sinister and focuses on another use for his favorite wrap.

As black helicopters hover on screens above him, the set become red and Weird Al starts ranting on conspiracy theories, an aluminum-foil hat atop his head. We won’t spoil the end.


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