
Drake posts new short film ‘Jungle’

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If only all our weekend nights could end up in the back of a car with Drake as he confesses his fears over a melancholy piano score.

That’s the mood of the rapper’s new short film “Jungle,” which he posted to his website Thursday. In the clip, Drake weighs in on fame, pressure and his own vices while an eerie pre-dawn blue glow envelops Los Angeles.

It’s all very Drake-ish, and a striking change of timbre from his videogame inspired bro-down tour with his old friend Lil Wayne.


The film includes an excellent score by his frequent producer Noah “40” Shebib, which owes more to Tangerine Dream and Erik Satie than anything on rap radio. The film also includes a few pieces of new Drake music.

It’s not a documentary (Drake ends up in a surrealist bar scene while bathed in smoke machines) or an extended music video, but something more impressionist and interior. Watch it here, and let’s hope that Drake’s new Kenneth Anger and Maya Deren kick continues.

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