
Hollywood’s nightmare neighbors

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Times Staff Writers

As the recent lawsuit between horror director Wes Craven and his Hollywood Hills neighbor and sometime comedian Pauly Shore reveals: living next to a celebrity can be almost as disappointing as meeting them in person. And in many cases, much more aggravating.

Craven alleges that Shore neglected to care for the plants and drainage in his backyard, eventually leading to a landslide on Craven’s property resulting in “severe emotional distress and anxiety.”

Craven and Shore may not be thrilled with each other, but they’re not alone in the realm of bad neighbordom. They join a list that includes A-listers (Spielberg, DiCaprio), C-listers (Rodman, Belushi) and even names from the past (Catwoman herself, Julie Newmar) who have demonstrated that being famous doesn’t always get them everything they want.
