
Bill Cosby says Morgan Freeman is waiting for him to die

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Bill Cosby was a guest on “The Colbert Report” on Wednesday and the legendary comedian easily dominated Stephen Colbert during the interview. You can’t out-talk someone who’s made their living talking for 52 years.

But, Colbert wondered, despite all the respect and accolades Cosby have accumulated over his long career, why hasn’t a proper biopic been made, with a respected actor such as Morgan Freeman playing him?

“Out of respect,” Cosby said. “Morgan and I worked together on ‘The Electric Company,’ so I think out of respect Morgan is waiting for me to die.”


“Does he ever call me up to see how you are feeling?” Colbert wondered.

“Not only that, he has asked how Sidney Poitier is doing, Harry Belafonte,” Cosby said. “Everybody wants to know how they’re all doing.”

Whenever Cosby is the subject of hoax death announcements on the Internet, the comedian said Morgan would call.

Normally Colbert is the master of the interview, keeping his guest on their toes with his sometimes counter-intuitive line of questioning. But Cosby easily outmaneuvered him in Wednesday’s encounter, turning an answer about his journey from a childhood in the projects to worldwide stardom into one of his routines about a friend calling him on the phone.


Not even Colbert knew how to take control of that one.

And maybe Morgan Freeman was at home, memorizing it. For when he’d eventually be called on to play “The Cos.”

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