
‘Homeland’ recap: Carrie’s pregnant; Iranian spymaster captured

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The incredibly stressful life of CIA case officer Carrie Mathison (Claire Danes) grows even more complicated on “Still Positive,” Episode 306 of Showtime’s “Homeland.”

As a drawer full of pregnancy tests reveal, she’s expecting a baby – and wishing it wasn’t so. What the positive test results don’t indicate, of course, is the father’s identity.

Is he Nicholas Brody (Damian Lewis), the world’s most-wanted fugitive? Or is he a random guy Carrie slept with after going off her psych meds?


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Big as those questions are, Carrie has far more pressing concerns. They include being kidnapped by Iranian agents and interrogated by their deputy intelligence chief, Majid Javadi (Shaun Toub), who ordered the deadly bombing at CIA headquarters.

“If we are to have a relationship that has any real meaning, we must first establish the most important ingredient: trust,” insists Javadi, tricked into believing Carrie is a disgraced spy willing to swap secrets for cash.


Trust soon evaporates, however, when Carrie fails a lie detector test. Claiming the guards make her nervous, Carrie speaks privately with Javadi and delivers a stunning blow. She tells Javadi the CIA knows he embezzled $45 million from the Iranian government.

“You are now an enemy of your own state,” Carrie emphasizes.

“Brava, Miss Mathison,” Javadi replies with admiration. “Quite excellent.”

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Realizing his options are few, Javadi agrees to speak with Acting CIA Director Saul Berenson (Mandy Patinkin). The two worked together during the Iranian Revolution but became enemies when Javadi betrayed four of Saul’s informants.


“I promised them the protection of the United States government,” Saul explains to CIA analyst Fara Sherazi (Nazanin Boniadi). “Instead they got a bullet to the back of their heads.”

The executions were Javadi’s “ticket” into the new regime’s security services.

Saul exacted revenge, however, by helping Javadi’s wife, Fariba (Mary Apick), and son escape to America. Tragically for them, they’re living near the Iranian safe house where Carrie was questioned and released.

Before surrendering to Saul, Javadi is supposed to rendezvous with Carrie at a coffee shop. But he alters his route and drives to Fariba’s home.

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“He cannot go inside that house,” Saul exclaims as he tracks Javadi’s actions via drone feed. Saul orders Carrie and CIA operative Peter Quinn (Rupert Friend) to intercept the ruthless spymaster, but they’re too late.

Javadi calmly shoots Susan (Emily Donahoe), the daughter-in-law he just met, before tenderly caressing his baby grandson. When Fariba enters the room, Javadi brutally slays her with a broken bottle.


“Now I’m ready to see Saul,” Javadi announces as Carrie and Peter burst in the door.

And what about the screaming toddler who witnessed this bloodbath?

“You can’t take the baby,” Saul commands Carrie and Peter. “You weren’t there.”

When Saul and Javadi face each other, the Iranian’s stubborn pride is evident. His violent actions make a clear statement: Saul “may have me over a barrel, but I’ll never be your bitch.”

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“You don’t look like a man who just landed the biggest asset of his career,” Javadi says with a smirk. Saul reacts by punching his unrepentant prisoner in the nose.

Finally, troubled teenager Dana Brody (Morgan Saylor) no longer wants to bear the name of her notorious father, the CIA bombing prime suspect. Dana wants to assume her mother’s maiden name, and mom Jessica (Morena Baccarin) is supportive.

But Jessica is startled and strongly opposed when Dana decides to move in with her friend Angela (Kimberley Drummond).

“Dana, we haven’t even talked about this,” Jessica says tearfully.

“I can’t live this life anymore,” replies Dana, still emotionally fragile after a suicide attempt. “It nearly killed me.”



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