
Kaley Cuoco pokes fun at herself with feminism ‘apology tour’

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Kaley Cuoco-Sweeting is profusely apologizing for her anti-feminism comments. And by profusely, we mean she’s willing to be the butt of a joke if it gets her point across.

“The Big Bang Theory” star, whose recent explanation of why she isn’t a feminist raised eyebrows, said her remarks in the February issue of Redbook were taken out of context.

In the magazine, the 29-year-old asked if it was “bad” that she doesn’t consider herself a feminist.


“It’s not really something I think about. Things are different now, and I know a lot of the work that paved the way for women happened before I was around,” she explained. “I was never that feminist girl demanding equality, but maybe that’s because I’ve never really faced inequality.”

The actress framed her views around serving her husband, tennis player Ryan Sweeting, adding that she cooks for him “five nights a week” and loves feeling like a housewife even if it “sounds old-fashioned.”

When those comments didn’t sit well with fans and some members of the media, she took to Instagram this week to clear the air.


“In my Redbook article, some people have taken offense to my comments regarding feminism — if any of you are in the ‘biz’ you are well aware of how words can be taken out of context,” she wrote, posting a picture of her magazine cover. “I’m completely blessed and grateful that strong women have paved the way for my success along with many others. I apologize if anyone was offended. Anyone that truly knows me, knows my heart and knows what I meant.”

Then on Wednesday, the actress joined her “Wedding Ringer” costars Kevin Hart and Josh Gad to present the People’s Choice Award for comedic movie actress. The actors used the opportunity to mock Cuoco-Sweeing and further the narrative.

“Can we just show the nominees, please, for favorite comedic movie actress?” she said, responding to their teasing.


“Ooh, now Kaley, are you sure you want to do that category, given your anti-feminism stance?” Gad said.

“Yeah, I have to, it’s part of my apology tour,” she quipped.

Cuoco-Sweeting also won the award for comedic TV actress but forgot to thank her husband during her acceptance speech. So her “Big Bang” costar and onetime boyfriend Johnny Galecki helped her out during the cast’s turn at the podium after their win for favorite TV show.

“Hey, just real quick, I’d like to take a brief moment, because Kaley forgot during her speech to thank her husband,” he said. “Ryan, you are my heart, and I can’t imagine what I’d be without you.”

The actress, who seemed to be in on the joke, guffawed and patted her ex on the back in gratitude.

She and Galecki dated for about two years during the CBS comedy’s early seasons.

Follow me on Twitter @NardineSaad.
