
Cold sores linked to a specific gene

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Cold sores plague some people and not others even though about 70% of Americans are infected with the virus that causes the painful lesions -- herpes simplex virus. Now researchers have a plausible explanation for the seeming randomness of cold sore outbreaks.

A study looking at 43 families has identified a specific gene on chromosome 21 linked to herpes. Previous studies suggested that a gene somewhere on chromosome 21 was the culprit. But the new study was able to pinpoint a gene called C21orf91 as the major player in cold sore tendencies.

Though conditions such as sun exposure, diet, fatigue and stress contribute to activating a cold sore, it’s clear that genetics are involved as well. Research can now turn their efforts to the specific gene to see if medications can be developed that target its function. It’s not known if the same gene plays a role in a related virus that causes genital herpes.


The study was published Friday in the Journal of Infectious Diseases.

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