
Good Eye Gallery: Architectural artworks for gift hunters

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Who would expect to find an art show in a real estate office, even an agency devoted to architectural properties?

Melinda Fay organized the Good Eye Gallery show “Home as Art,” which she describes as a pop-up with more than 70 works, all installed throughout the nondescript Banner Los Robles corporate building in Pasadena where Deasy/Penner & Partners keeps its offices. Artworks hang in offices, in hallways, from the ceiling. The concentration of emerging and mid-career artists means there are several affordable gift-giving opportunities in this countdown to Christmas: Small paintings by South Pasadena artist Jordan Daines begin at $220, and handmade silk leaf mobiles by Jan Carson are $200 apiece. Other featured artists include Fleurette West, Pamela Harmon and Treasure Frey.

Fay (whose Eagle Rock home was profiled in The Times in April) said she tried to choose works that were architectural as well as pull from artists who take commissions for custom works. Danielle Krysa, for example, creates custom home portraits using pencil, gouache and embroidery thread; Portland, Ore., artist Lisa Golightly paints portraits and landscapes from vintage photographs.


Next up for Fay? “I’m hoping to do a ‘Love Me or Leaf Me’ show featuring staple based leaf art by Alison Foshee in February for Valentines Day,” she said. The destination is as yet unknown.

The Good Eye Gallery show runs through January at Deasy/Penner & Partners, 200 S. Los Robles Ave., Pasadena. Hours are 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. weekdays, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturdays and by appointment. Call for hours during the holidays: (626) 683-0777.



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