
Readers React: Republicans grill Hillary Clinton for 11 hours, then complain about unfair debates

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To the editor: Am I the only one who sees the irony in watching former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton being subjected to 11 hours of biased, politically motivated, often mean-spirited questions, while the participants in the second Republican debate (after complaining that three hours of questioning was too long) are now complaining after the third debate (which was two hours) that they should not be subjected to biased, politically motivated, mean-spirited questions?

Allison Marks, Escondido



To the editor: Our bridges are falling apart, water and sewer lines are bursting, wars are raging all over the globe, and the GOP debate draws the highest Nielsen rating ever in the 26-year history of cable financial news network CNBC.

Do any of these viewers have the faintest idea of what the country will be like a bit over a year from now, or are they just enjoying a clown act?

The candidates should have a debate on how to catch up with other industrial countries in regard to transportation and healthcare, and on a proposal to fix our infrastructure and not leave this mess to our children. Fix it now or pay more later.


Allen F. Dziuk, Carlsbad

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