
Mets minority owner Bill Maher talks up his team on ‘The Daily Show’

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Bill Maher holds court on HBO with “Real Time” on the West Coast and Jon Stewart has his Comedy Central kingdom in New York, so it’s rare to see these two together. But Maher was in New York this week to, among other things, attend a meeting of New York Mets owners.

That’s right, Maher is part-owner of the Mets.

The comedian revealed he’d become a minority owner of the team two years ago. But he hasn’t attended any formal meetings until now.

Stewart, a die-hard Mets fan, had just one thing he wanted Maher to bring with him to the meeting: a jar of tears.


“They played awesome this week,” Maher said. “I always bring them luck when I come to New York.”

Though Maher is rooting for the perpetual underdog Mets, he didn’t seem to have quite the longtime fan fervor of Stewart. He said he’d “visited the stadium a few times” since he’d bought a piece of the team, while Stewart revealed he goes to the final game of the season to take advantage of the near-empty stadium.

Back in 2012, Maher told the New York Times he felt the stake was a good idea. “I just thought it would be a great place [to invest], especially after I’ve seen some of the ways money can disappear in recent years. I had my money in Lehman Brothers in 2008.”


The team is currently 5 1/2 games back in the National League East division, but as Maher said with hope, “They’re starting to hit.”

And though he regularly takes politicians to task on his show, Maher had no trouble slipping into the voice of an owner, telling Stewart, “I feel like the Met fans are the real people.”

“Losers,” Stewart said. “We’re losers.”

You can watch the full interview here.


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