
Ask Laz: Does it pay to be in directory of top doctors? Not so much

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Katarina is a doctor and has been invited to join an organization called Leading Physicians of the World, which sounds very impressive.

“Should I do this?” she asks. “What are my benefits?”

In a nutshell, all you’re getting here are bragging rights -- and they’re nothing much to brag about.

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Leading Physicians of the World says that doctors are invited to join the ranks of the medical elite only after the organization’s researchers have compiled dossiers based on “a variety of different resources, such as medical affiliations, consumer reviews and more.”

There’s apparently no fee to have your name listed.

But there is one small catch.

Before you can be considered a Leading Physician of the World, you first have to join a related group called the International Assn. of Healthcare Professionals, and the cost for that can run hundreds of dollars.

What are the benefits of being listed in the directory? Leading Physicians of the World says that listed doctors enjoy “massive multimedia exposure,” which can result in placing “consumers in the hands of the right doctor.”


By my reckoning, the chief benefit is a certificate or plaque you can put on your examining room wall that may boost your standing in the eyes of some patients.

Probably better to just offer exemplary care and enjoy the satisfaction of being good at your job.

If you have a consumer question, email me at or contact me via Twitter @Davidlaz.
