
Readers React: Mormon Church should lift ban on gay scout leaders

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To the editor: The Mormon Church stated that allowing openly gay leaders in Scouting was “inconsistent with the doctrine of the church and what have traditionally been the values of the Boy Scouts of America.” (“Decision on gay Scout leaders settles the issue — or not,” Aug. 1)

As with most religions and organizations, enlightenment brings doctrinal and traditional change, and this historically applies to the Mormon Church. Its doctrinal practices of polygamy and discrimination against black church members no longer exist.

It is past time for the church to also recognize that discriminating against gay citizens is wrong.


Bob Stroh, Fillmore


To the editor: I read earlier about the new guidelines for gay Scouts and leaders and felt a relief, thinking that the Boy Scouts of America had become inclusive, as it should have been all along. Now I see there are religious organizations seeking an exemption from this decision.

I find it disgusting that a young man in your article who is about to turn 18 has achieved the highest award in the Boy Scouts after enduring hostile treatment and yet will be denied the privilege of passing on all he has learned to other young men because he is gay.


This young man wanted to finish what he started. It is the rare youngster who can put up with the discrimination he did and succeed brilliantly.

The groups that seek to discriminate against gay Scouts should not be called religions. If they are taking tax exemptions, they should stop.

Sandy Sciortino, North Hollywood


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