
Readers React: No sympathy for exiled Roman Polanski

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To the editor: Your article asks about Roman Polanski, “Was he a sex offender skipping town to avoid facing justice? Or was he a victim of a corrupt judicial system that wanted to make an example of an acclaimed film director?” (“Roman Polanski’s lawyers open new front against L.A. County D.A.,” Dec. 15)

After 42 days of confinement for admittedly sodomizing a 13-year old child, Polanski fled the country, supposedly believing that he had “already served his punishment” after he learned that the judge might sentence him to serve an additional 48 days.

Was he a sex offender skipping town? Yes.

Ninety days’ imprisonment for his admitted rape (which is what sodomizing a 13-year-old child is)? Was the justice system also corrupt? Yes, but not in the way Polanski claims — he was its beneficiary, not its victim. And even that wasn’t enough for him.


Edward A. Ruttenberg, Rancho Palos Verdes


To the editor: As the Los Angeles Police Department commander in charge of the detectives who arrested Polanski in 1977, it makes no difference to me if he ever serves another day in prison. However, he should never be allowed to reenter the United States.

Contrary to the opinions of the Hollywood elite, drugging and sodomizing a 13-year-old victim can never be tolerated and highlights the depraved mind of Polanski. His ability to direct a film should have no bearing on whether this child molester can be accepted into our society.


Joseph Gunn, Burbank

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