
Thousands expected to roll into Pasadena for CicLAvia

Cyclists ride down Lankershim Boulevard for the CicLAvia festival in Studio City on March 22.
Cyclists ride down Lankershim Boulevard for the CicLAvia festival in Studio City on March 22.
(Marcus Yam / Los Angeles Times)

Thousands of cyclists were expected to descend on Pasadena on Sunday to walk and pedal down Colorado Boulevard for the first CicLAvia outside Los Angeles.

The free, 3.5-mile event is scheduled from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. The route also connects on Raymond Avenue to the Memorial and Del Mar Metro Gold Line stations, enabling participants to have a car-free or “car-lite” day, organizers said.

Activities along the route include an all-ages mixed-media art project at the Amory Center for the Arts and music in the bandshell at Levitt Pavilion. John Muir High School’s Mighty Mustang Drum Corps is scheduled to perform along Raymond Avenue.


Ciclovias, as they are known in Spanish, started in Bogota, Colombia, more than 30 years ago as a response to increasing congestion and pollution. They have since spread through Latin America and the United States.

The tradition came to Los Angeles in 2010.

Twitter: @gtherolf
