
Opinion: This nation needs boring and competent. Dianne Feinstein delivers both.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein speaks at the Commonwealth Club in San Francisco on Aug. 29.
(Jeff Chiu / Associated Press)
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To the editor: The best government is boring. Republican high drama is meant to divert our attention from their bad results. (“Think Feinstein is a shoo-in for another term? Don’t be shocked if voters shake things up,” Oct. 19)

If Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) is overly soft-spoken on President Trump and the GOP, at least it doesn’t generate more media distraction. I trust her to do the right things without lying to us — there’s plenty of others to bang pots and pans.

The downside of being capable but boring is that you don’t get deserved credit. I’d rather have President Obama’s huge, no-drama payroll tax cut than Trump’s noisy, drama-filled lack of beneficial accomplishment any day, nor do I consider threatening nuclear war to be a good replacement for boring old diplomacy.


I treasure a really boring policy wonk whom I can trust to know the details and do the work, and that’s Feinstein.

Linda Kranen, Carlsbad


To the editor: I will not support Feinstein for reelection unless she expresses support for impeachment hearings.


Far too much energy has been expended on managing our president. Clearly we have imported an inept person for the job.

Trump is an immigrant to the political process — we need to wall ourselves off from him.

Jeff Gerber, Los Angeles


To the editor: Kevin de Leòn, the state Senate president pro tem, appears to be a wonderful, relatively young asset to the Democratic Party. But he should not be challenging a strong, experienced and effective leader like Feinstein.


I would love for him to move down to Orange County and instead challenge one of our vulnerable Republican Congress members. He would get tremendous support and could make a huge contribution to the Democratic causes in the House.

Nancy Ferruzzo, San Juan Capistrano

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