
Newsletter: Essential California: Gov. Brown gets a thumbs-up in latest poll

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Good morning. It is Tuesday, March 29. Every day is a good hair day for this San Francisco baby. Here’s what else is happening in the Golden State:


Hacking the iPhone


Federal agents were able to unlock an iPhone used by one of the San Bernardino terrorists. As a result, the government will drop its lawsuit against Apple, which had stated it would not create the software needed to hack into its products. “We sought an order compelling Apple to help unlock the phone to fulfill a solemn commitment to the victims of the San Bernardino shooting — that we will not rest until we have fully pursued every investigative lead related to the vicious attack,” according to a statement from federal prosecutors. Los Angeles Times

Governor’s approval rating

A new USC Dornsife/Los Angeles Times poll finds 60% of respondents approve of how Gov. Jerry Brown is doing his job. His secret? “Governing is not about just having some idea, or some slogan, or some sound bite,” he said. “Governing does have its own skills.” Los Angeles Times


A new minimum wage

California is leading the nation in the fight over increasing the minimum wage. A proposal to increase hourly wages to $15 by 2022 appears to be a done deal. “It’s a matter of economic justice. It makes sense,” said Gov. Jerry Brown. The move is expected to have national implications, with some experts suggesting New York could be the next state to tackle wages. Los Angeles Times



Reason for hope: Yes, California is still in a drought, but it’s getting better. “The soaking storms that we got in March really delivered their biggest punch in the most important watersheds in the state,” said one environmental reporter. KQED

Falling rocks: Heat may be responsible for rockfalls in Yosemite National Park. “The sun and the temperature are enough to make the rock move up there. It’s just kind of a neat thing that I think people don’t think about,” said Brian Collins of USGS’s landslide hazards program. Los Angeles Times


Catch me a catch: Korean American parents don’t like the trend of young people getting married later in life or relying on Tinder and eHarmony to find a date. In Koreatown, they’re attending matchmaking events to find potential suitors for their children. “Do you want a good son-in-law? Then you have to seek, you have to find,” said the emcee at a recent event. Los Angeles Times

CEO’s bonus: The gas leak in Aliso Canyon damaged California’s environment, forced thousands of families to flee their homes and was ultimately declared the worst methane leak in American history. But none of that was enough to stop the CEO of Sempra Energy, the parent company of Southern California Gas, from getting a $3.17-million bonus. “If you’re looking for evidence that American corporate executives are a truly privileged class, look no further,” writes columnist Michael Hiltzik. Los Angeles Times

Protesting a festival: Conservation groups are up in arms over a proposal to host a three-day music festival in the Sepulveda Basin Recreation Area. AngelFest is billed as family-friendly with oldies music and fireworks. “It’s absolutely inappropriate, adjacent to the Wildlife Reserve, without a buffer to sensitive habitat,” said Muriel Kotin of the San Fernando Valley Audubon Society. “There will be many, many birds that will be frightened away from the area.” Daily News


Selling the airwaves: The Los Angeles Unified School District is looking to auction off its rights to public television station KLCS. The Federal Communications Commission is running the auction to open the airwaves for wireless communications. 89.3 KPCC


Hollywood money: It is well documented that Sen. Bernie Sanders is tired of American politics catering to the millionaires and billionaires. And now, the Democratic presidential candidate is knocking his opponent’s campaign for asking donors to give $33,400 to attend a fundraiser with George Clooney in Los Angeles and $353,400 for two seats at a table with the actor and his wife in San Francisco. “It is obscene that Secretary (Hillary) Clinton keeps going to big-money people to fund her campaign,” Sanders said. Yahoo

Polling numbers: In the race to replace Sen. Barbara Boxer, state Atty. Gen. Kamala Harris leads, with Rep. Loretta Sanchez making small gains but still behind her. However, one-third of voters remain undecided. Los Angeles Times

Off the ballot: Sen. Marco Rubio requested to have his name removed from the California ballot. Even though the Florida Republican dropped out of the presidential race, polling suggests his appearance on the ballot could take away votes from candidates Ted Cruz and John Kasich. Los Angeles Times



Major crash: Two people died in Monday when a driver in a high-speed pursuit crashed into another vehicle in San Bernardino, authorities said. The impact was so intense that the engine in one of the cars flew out of the vehicle and into the middle of the street. Los Angeles Times

Out of jail: Gail Harrington-Wisely says the Orange County’s problems with jailhouse informants could set her husband free. Four inmates testified at Willie Ray Wisely’s 1982 murder trial. “He is the oldest living prisoner caught in the snitch crisis,” Harrington-Wisely said. Orange County Register


Growing alfalfa: Saudi Arabia’s largest dairy company recently doubled the size of its holdings in California’s Palo Verde Valley. The move allows the Saudis to take advantage of the state’s farm-friendly water laws. Associated Press

Don’t be evil: Do you know the name Sundar Pichai? He’s the Google CEO who is flying under the radar. “Can Sundar Pichai transform Google’s image? Can he make you actually like Google again?” BuzzFeed

Parting gift: If she’s fired from Yahoo, CEO Marissa Mayer’s golden parachute might not actually be that valuable. Mayer would receive $3 million in severance, $40,000 in benefits and $9.34 million in stock. The package would have been significantly sweeter in the past, but a declining stock price and Mayer’s own vesting schedule have lowered the value of the deal. Bloomberg


Hippies and tech: Designs for new headquarters for Google and Apple reveal the connection between technology and the counterculture movement of the 1960s. New York Times


Just a big parking lot: It’s easy to hate Los Angeles. LA Weekly

Hidden gems: These may be the most beautiful streets in San Francisco. SFGate

Women and ink: A new exhibition in San Jose examines the relationship between California’s women and tattoos. “Women in a lot of tribes in California really held that tradition. They were the ones who had the knowledge,” said curator Amy Cohen. KQED

Old train stations: L.A. is seeing something of a rail revival. Back when trains still reigned supreme, the downtown area was home to several depots. Here’s a look back at that golden age. Los Angeles Times



Los Angeles has a chance of showers with a high of 64. In Riverside, there will be clouds and rain. San Diego will have a high of 64 with a chance of rain. Sacramento will have sunshine with some clouds, as temperatures reach 65 degrees. It will be partly sunny and 61 in San Francisco.


Today’s California Memory comes from Sarah Erwin:

“When I was 5, our family moved to California from a farm in northern Illinois, because my little brother needed a warm, dry climate for his breathing problems. My dad took us kids exploring this new wonderland, so different from the flat, gray farmland of Illinois. Driving home from a magical trip to Yosemite — Bears in the campground! Mountain hikes! Waterfalls! — as we descended, clouds completely covered the valley below, with the setting sun igniting them in pinks, oranges and lavender. To us kids, it looked like we were heading into a sun-shot ocean of cotton candy! It was indescribably beautiful. The image will stay with me to the end of my days.”

If you have a memory or story about the Golden State, share it with us. Send us an email to let us know what you love or fondly remember about our state. (Please keep your story to 100 words.)

Please let us know what we can do to make this newsletter more useful to you. Send comments, complaints and ideas to Alice Walton or Shelby Grad.
