
For the record - March 19, 2015

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Venice High: In the March 14 Section A, an article about the arrests of Venice High School students suspected of sex crimes reported that parent Karen Wolfe said there had been repeated complaints about sex and pot smoking in the bathrooms. After publication, she clarified that she has heard complaints about those activities taking place on other parts of campus, but not in the bathrooms.

Mike Porcaro: In the March 17 California section, the obituary of Mike Porcaro, former bass player with the rock group Toto, said that he was born in Hartford, Conn. He was born in South Windsor, Conn.

Sturtevant: In the Spring Arts Preview in the March 15 Arts & Books section, the caption for an artwork by Sturtevant identified the piece as “Target With Four Faces.” The work’s full title is “Johns Target With Four Faces (study).”


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