
Why some teens are ‘at risk’ while others are simply considered missing

According to law enforcement officials, the “at risk” designation — which often prompts them to commit more resources to a search — is shaped by California law and the judgment of detectives on the case.
(Howard Lipin / San Diego Union-Tribune)
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When 16-year-old Kimberly Arteaga went missing three years ago, she wasn’t considered to be “at risk.”

How that determination was made was called into question this week when investigators revealed that human remains found in a park in southern Chula Vista in January were those of the Lemon Grove girl. She had been killed.

According to police officials, the “at risk” designation — which often prompts them to commit more resources to a search — is shaped by California law and the judgment of detectives on the case.


State law requires a missing teen to be considered at risk if he or she:

  • Is a victim of a crime or foul play
  • Is in need of medical attention or medicine to sustain life
  • Is the victim of a family abduction
  • Has a mental impairment
  • Has no pattern of running away or disappearing

There are also age guidelines that differ from agency to agency.

If any of those considerations applies, law enforcement agencies are required to broadcast information about the missing juvenile. Whether that means informing deputies and officers in the region, or telling the public at large depends on the case.

While most of the state’s considerations seem pretty straightforward, the last one might not seem intuitive to the general public. Why are teens who often run away — a high-risk behavior that may expose them to other high-risk behaviors — not considered at risk?

Police officials said it’s partly because chronic runaways are often ultimately found some place safe or return on their own. While their behavior might be risky, they are rarely considered to be in imminent danger.


“When you take one or two missing persons reports every day, we have to be judicious about how we spend our resources,” said Chula Vista police Capt. Fritz Reber. “Especially when most [chronic runaways] come back on their own.”

Thousands of kids are reported missing statewide every year. In Chula Vista, 439 missing and runaway juvenile reports were taken in 2016. The San Diego County Sheriff’s Department investigated 1,151 missing juvenile cases that year.

Given manpower limitations, it would be impossible to treat every missing person as a critical incident. But, sheriff’s Sgt. Ron Edwards said, that doesn’t mean detectives don’t take a close look at every missing teen’s case. And they may choose to consider someone as at risk even if none of the state’s guidelines apply, he said.


It’s a judgment call that weighs heavily on detectives, Edwards said.

“Every one of my detectives, except one, has kids. We do take this personally,” he said. “You try to do the best you can. No one likes to make the wrong call.”

Winkley writes for the San Diego Union-Tribune
