
Daughter of S.F. porn mogul found hiding in upscale hotel

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The daughter of a deceased San Francisco porn mogul was found hiding in a luxury hotel, days after an exhaustive search began in connection with an identity theft operation, authorities said Friday.

Sonoma County sheriff’s detectives talked to associates of 33-year-old Jasmine Mitchell and showed a photograph of her to employees at several luxury hotels in the Bay Area until they received a credible lead to her whereabouts, Sgt. Michael Raasch said.

“We started shaking trees, going to places where people knew her,” he said.

Detectives were following up on the lead at a hotel in Tiburon, when they saw Mitchell walking up and arrested her after a struggle, Raasch said.


She was turned over to the U.S. Secret Service to face federal identity theft charges.

Mitchell was reportedly using someone else’s ID to check into a hotel. Detectives apparently found evidence indicating that she had planned to flee the country.

Mitchell was being sought this week in connection with a large-scale identity theft and credit operation and for allegedly ramming her Mercedes into an unmarked police car during an investigation.

Mitchell is the daughter of Artie Mitchell, who along with his brother, Jim Mitchell, ran the O’Farrell Theatre, a striptease club that opened as an X-rated movie theater in 1969.


But a feud between the brothers escalated in 1991, when Artie Mitchell was shot and killed by his brother during a dispute.
