
Orange County man gets 25 years for scalding 11-month-old girl

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An Orange County man was sentenced to more than 25 years in prison Monday for putting a baby less than a year old into scalding hot bath water, almost killing the child.

Alfred Alexander Hollimon, 24, of Westminster, was found guilty March 21 of two felony counts of child abuse, one felony count of mayhem and a sentencing enhancement for causing great bodily injury to a child under 5, according to the Orange County district attorney’s office.

He was sentenced to 25 years and eight months for the crime.

On the evening of Jan. 26, 2013, Hollimon put the female relative into water hotter than 120 degrees, causing sections of the victim’s skin to fall off, according to the district attorney.


The baby suffered third-degree burns to most of her body, as well as fractures to her skull, spine, ribs and an arm.

Hollimon’s mother was home and called police when she discovered what her son was doing, authorities said.

It is unclear what, if any, motive led to the incident.

Prosecutors said the child will need skin graft operations until she is grown.

According a news release on the case, the child, identified only as Jane Doe, is in the process of being adopted. The prospective parents gave a letter to the court explaining the extent of her injuries.


“The letter described how the victim will never be able to feel comfortable wearing clothes like normal girls,” according to the statement, “or able to go to the beach without feeling self-conscious, and explained the pain that the victim continues to endure because of the actions of the defendant.”

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