
Sex harassment alleged at L.A. call center for Verizon, DirectTV

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The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission is suing a Los Angeles call center for failing to stop what it describes as widespread sexual harassment of male and female workers by company supervisors.

A complaint filed Wednesday against VXI Global Solutions, a call center provider for companies including Verizon and DirecTV, described a hostile environment in which workers were repeatedly subjected to unsolicited sexual advances, and punished for complaining.

A statement released by VXI late Wednesday denied the allegations, saying: “We do not tolerate sexual harassment and provide training in sexual harassment prevention.”


According to the EEOC, several female employees at the call center “were subjected to unsolicited groping and touching, constant sexual propositions and grotesque comments of a sexual nature” from a male floor manager and other supervisors, beginning in 2009.

The complaint also alleges that a female assistant supervisor at the company “made repeated advances toward male staff with foul descriptions of proposed sexual activity, unwanted lap dances and physical rubbing.”

According to the complaint, male employees who refused to go along with the harassment were accused of being gay. It alleges that workers who complained about the behavior were retaliated against, with some fired.


The EEOC lawsuit seeks back pay and punitive damages on behalf of the victims, along with injunctive relief to prevent and address future harassment and retaliation.

Twitter: @katelinthicum
