
Brown releases new ads touting water bond, rainy-day fund

In August, Gov. Jerry Brown held up the measure he signed to place a $7.5-billion water plan on the November ballot.
(Rich Pedroncelli / Associated Press)
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With the election 15 days away, Gov. Jerry Brown unveiled additional television and radio ads Monday in support of the $7.5-billion water bond measure and state rainy-day fund proposal that are the centerpieces of his re-election bid.

Brown appears in one of the television ads, but once again does not mention his bid for an unprecedented fourth term. Rather, he reiterates the themes he outlined in other television spots unveiled earlier this month.

“It’s been over 50 years since we built the state water project that has been the backbone of California. To stay strong, we need a reliable water supply and a stable budget,” Brown says in the 30-second spot that features imagery of bodies of water and downtown Los Angeles’ skyline. “That’s why there’s almost unanimous support for Propositions 1 and 2. Prop. 1 saves water so we’re prepared for drought. Prop. 2 saves money in a rainy-day fund so we’re prepared for economic downturns.”


That spot is paid for by Brown’s $23-million re-election account.

The other two television ads, which feature a farmer and an economist touting the ballot measures, and two 60-second radio ads are paid for by a committee Brown controls that is earmarked to support Propositions 1 and 2. The governor has raised nearly $13.9 million for that effort.

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