
California lawmakers push alternative clean energy plan

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SACRAMENTO -- California lawmakers are pushing an alternative to Gov. Jerry Brown’s plan to use new revenue generated by Proposition 39, which changed the corporate tax code when voters approved it in November.

Brown and Democrats in the Legislature are at odds over how to distribute $450 million to schools and community colleges for energy efficiency projects.

The governor has insisted on allocating the money based on student population, but that hasn’t satisfied lawmakers who fear the funding won’t get to where it’s most needed.


Assemblywoman Nancy Skinner (D-Berkeley) said schools and community colleges should have to submit pitches for energy efficiency projects before they get the money. That way, she said, state officials can ensure it goes to projects that will create the most jobs and energy savings.

She said her proposal “respects the governor’s approach. But it’s a different take on it. We’re hopeful he’ll be open to it.”

Skinner’s proposal was advanced by an Assembly subcommittee this week. She is also in talks with Sen. Kevin de León (D-Los Angeles), who helped push for Proposition 39.


De León’s thoughts on the funding are more in line with Skinner’s than the governor’s, according to a spokesman for the senator, Greg Hayes. The senator plans to release his own funding proposal next week, and Hayes said he wants to ensure there is strict accountability so the money is used effectively.

This post has been updated to reflect that Sen. Kevin de León plans to release his own funding proposal next week.



Brown, senator at odds over clean energy money

Gov. Jerry Brown’s school energy plan gets harsh hearing

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Twitter: @chrismegerian
