
Police find 5 guns, ammo stash in George Zimmerman’s home

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<i>This post has been updated. See the note below for details.</i>

After George Zimmerman’s girlfriend accused him of domestic abuse, police found five guns and more than 100 rounds of ammunition in the house the couple shared, according to court documents.

On Nov. 18, Zimmernan’s girlfriend, Samantha Scheibe, called 911, saying that he had threatened her with a gun after “a verbal altercation turned physical,” according to a police search warrant. After police arrested Zimmerman, they found a 12-gauge shotgun, an AR-15 assault rifle and three handguns in his house, according to the warrant made public this week.

Schiebe had told police that Zimmerman -- the former neighborhood watch volunteer acquitted of murdering Trayvon Martin, an unarmed black teenager -- had threatened her with the shotgun. The Martin case became a national test case along the lines of race and guns.


From the search warrant: “During the altercation, Samantha Scheibe said that George Zimmerman pulled a shotgun out of his bag. Samantha Scheibe told George Zimmerman that she was going to contact law enforcement. George Zimmerman then pointed the gun at her and asked her if “she really wanted to do that.”

Zimmerman then broke a glass table in the living room with his gun, she told police. While Scheibe was calling the police, Zimmerman locked her out of the house, she said. When deputies entered the house, they found that the guns were locked up.

Zimmerman was charged this month with aggravated assault, battery and criminal mischief. He is free on $9,000 bail. Several conditions were put on his bail, including a prohibition on guns. He is also not allowed to have any contact with his girlfriend or travel outside the state, and he must wear a monitoring device.


Before his arrest, Zimmerman could legally own guns. During the Nov. 18 search, police seized the five guns they found in the house.

According to the search warrant, when Zimmerman was arrested, he told police that he and Scheibe got into a fight that day because they had agreed to break up and he was moving to Texas. He said she got angry and started throwing his belongings around, and at one point picked up a handgun and a shotgun and threw them on the living room floor. He said neither of them physically touched each other.

Zimmerman has entered a written plea of not guilty.

Other items were also collected from the house: two cellphones, a religious pendant, a flashlight, a pocket knife, a sanitizing wipe and a pack of gum.


[Updated, 9:38 a.m. PST Dec. 13: An earlier version of this post described George Zimmerman’s ammo stash as large. Authorities said it was 106 rounds.]


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Twitter: @skarlamangla

